70 year old male patient with altered behaviour and involuktary movemnts of limbs

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome."

70 year old male came with chief complaints of : 

With Altered behaviour since afternoon.
 Involuntary movements of the both upper limbs and lower limbs since 4pm along with loss of speech and involuntary movements of the mouth.

Patient was security guard  20 years back and now since 20 years he is not doing any work.
He was normal till 1 month back and started developing decreased urine output, which was gradually progressive.
No h/o of pedal edema, abdominal distension and SOB was seen 
He was taken to local hospital  and was diagnosed with Renal failure with creatine 1.5 
He started using medication from an RMP doctor to increase his urine output. 
But as he uses the medication(once he takes a tablet) his urine output comes to normal for next 3 to 4 days but later it again stars decreasing. 
So when ever patient had decreased output again, he was given that medication by the patient attenders
On 23rd nov ,when he was the tablet there was no increase in urine output as before, so he was given one more tablet by the attenders. 
That afternoon at 2pm when there was no one in the home , the neighbours watched him that he is using knife to cut on his abdomen to increase his urine output, being scared with his behaviour, the neighbours informed the attenders and as they returned home at 4pm in the evening and found that patient was having involuntary movements along with loss of consciousness and loss of speech.Then they brought to KIMS

Past history:

Personal history:
Mixed diet
He is a chronic smoker( since 2nd decade of his life) 
- 2 to 3  per day
Alcohol consumption occassionally

Bp- 170/90 mmhg
PR-73 bpm
Spo2- 98% at room air
Rr- 20 cpm
Temp- Afebrile

Involuntary movements of B/ L upper limbs
Tone increased in all four limbs

BGT: B +ve

s.Osm= 2x122+ 15.2/2.8 +199/18=260.48
urea = 23---48 (repeat)
Creat 2.1--1.5(repeat)
uric acid 4.6


Hb = 9.2
TLC = 12,600
L - 04
PCV --23.2
MCH = 32.5
RBC = 2.83
plabelets -1.94

pH = 7.464
PCo₂ = 28.9
PO₂ = 77.0
HCO3 = 22.3
HCO3 (pc) = 20.4

TB - 1.83
AST - 36
ALP -191


HIV- negative

HbsAg- Negatie

HCV- negative

Urinary electrolytes:
Na+ :251
K+ :20.4
Cl- :383

Retic count:0.6%

Repeat serum electrolytes 
Na+ :114
K+ : 4.1
Cl- : 67

Altered sensorium secondary to ?hyponatremia ( True hyponatremia)
? Hypervolemia hyponatremia

1) Inj. 3%  Nacl@ 8ml/hr
2)Fluid Restriction <1lit / Day
3) Inj. Levpil 500mg/iv/bd
4)T.Pan 40mg /RT/od
5)RT feeds - Milk+
protein powder- @100ml 6th hourly
free water- 100ml/hour - 8th hrly
(Total <1L/day ) 
6)BP / PR/ spo2 charting 4th hrly
7)GRBS chaiting 8th hrly
8)Strict I/0 charting


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