55yr old M patient with AKI,?heart failure and below knee amputation

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment"

55 yr old male patient from chikatmamidi ,mason by occupation came to the opd with the chief complaint of 
-pedal edema ,decreased appettite since 1 mnths 
-SOB since 3 days
-decreased urine output since 2 days
- fainting,wheezing sounds. 

History of present illness:-
Patient was apparently assymptomatic before 2 months back, later he slowly developed pedal edema ,decreased urine output and had fainting on nov 15th.
For which he visted the government hospital(creatinine level increased) . He was admitted for 1 week withmedications.He was informed to go for for dialysis. Later he visited the local hospital, used mediactions for 15 days, after 2 days he got fainted, heezing sounds, admitted to the hospital ,went for dialysis. 
He has thrombophlebitis on left hand since 3 days. 
 So far:- undergone 4 dialysis 
             1st -11th dec
             2nd -14th dec
             3rd-16th dec
             4th-18th dec
Post dialysis :- decresed unrine output, decreased appetite, body pains

History of Past illness:-
k/c/o DM 2 since 10 years
K/C/O HTN sice 4 years
2 years back on a small injury to foot, he developed gangrene(pus release -whitish yellow color) 
initially:- 2 toes undergone amputation 
                Later foot amputation
                Later below knee amputations
             due to spread. 

Personal history:-

Built:- ectomorphic
Appetite :- mixed
Bowel and bladder:-decreased appettite since 2 months
Urine :- decreased appetite since 2 days
Drinking:- at the age of 20 years
                 Regularly (weekly 3 times)
Smoking:- at the age of 20 years
Medical history:-
On medication for
DM since 15 years
 Brain clots:- ecospiril since 4 yrs
 HTP since 4 yrs
Amputaion since yrs

Family history:-
Mother - HTP, diabetis
Late Father-HTP,diabetis
                     Death due to CKD
One son:- congenital heart disease
One daughter:-diabetis since 4 mnths back

General examination:-
Pallor present
No cyanosis, no icterus, no lymphadenpathy 

Temperature:-98.6 F
Bp:-240/130 mm hg
RR:-26 per min
Pulse rate:-102 per min 

Systemic examination:-
CVS: S1S2+
No murmurs 

Wheeze + 
Trachea position-central.
inspiratory crepts in b/l ISA , IAA , IMA 
Vesicular breath sounds heard

  Soft, non tender 
  Bowel sounds heard .
Clinical images:-



Provisional diagnosis : ? AKI with right heart failure 
With left below knee amputation 
K/c/o Type 2 DM since 10 yrs 
HTN since 2 yrs 

Treatment :-

Fluid restriction <2lit/day
Salt restriction <2g/day
Inj lasix 40 mg iv bd 
Inj HAI sc 8 am ....1 pm...8 pm
Tab.nicardia 10mg od
Neb wrt duoline 8 hrly
                Budecort 12 hrly
Vitals monitoring 6 hourly

Final diagnosis:-
AKI with heart failure. 


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